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Mitchell street is now known as Orana Early Learning

Kindergarten Belmont

Setting The Standard In Kindergarten Care

If you’re interested in enrolling your child in a quality kindergarten in Belmont, look no further than Mitchell Street Early Learning Centre. We specialise in high calibre daycare services to make life easier for busy families. Our vast and comfortable outdoor space gives your children the opportunity to learn while enjoying the fresh air and outdoors. With our convenient location in Belmont, Geelong – we have ample parking for drop off and pick up times. Your child’s learning and development will benefit greatly from the interaction with our educators and other children at the centre.


Mitchell Street Early Learning Centre offers a nutritious menu, which is regularly rotated to ensure variety. If you would like to preview our menu, it is displayed at the centre and published in our regular parent newsletters. Our age-appropriate meals are as delicious as they are nutritional, incorporating a wide range of fruit and vegetables. In fact, mealtimes are more than just the food. They are a great opportunity for the children to enjoy social time and develop language, self-help and hygiene skills. Our trained chef Kate plans and prepares all meals and snacks for your child and is highly competent in keeping our kitchen safe, hygienic and audited regularly.


If you have any enquiries regarding our kindergarten in Belmont, please feel free to contact Mitchell Street Early Learning Centre on (03) 5245-7670 or alternatively send an online enquiry to and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.